Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lab 02: Answers part 3:

Based on the information I learned while reviewing the document and other resources, four Search Engine Optimization guidelines i will employ while designing my own website are:

1) Title tags and Meta tags (description)
Title tags are titles that are located in the <head> tags of HTML documents. These tags not only provide a title for individual pages, they provide search engines with key words that can be matched to a users search.

2) Clear structure of URLs
Creating and maintaining clear and user friendly URLs is very important in allowing the user of a serch engine to see if the website they are going to will be relevant to their search. Many users may be put off visiting a website with over long or indecipherable URL addresses. Also having clean a URL address allows for a more efficient process for search engines which look for key words. It would also be advisable to allow for the possibility for part of the URL to be dropped by a user to allow them to access home pages etc.

3)Creating a site map
Creating a site map allows the user to see a page which outlines clearly and simple all the hyperlinks linking all the various pages on the website. Also, clear site maps allow users to see the hierarchy of the website and will allow them to quickly read how to find information relevant to their search. The hierarchy of the site maps should be arranged from the general to the particular. Creating a site map also allows search engines to identify key words which will bring users to relevant pages of the website.

4)Configure website so that it can be viewed on a mobile as well as a desktop device.
With increasing numbers of users of the web accessing information from mobile devices, it is essential that websites are formatted so that they are viewable across a range of devises and screen sizes.    

Several of these guidelines could be used to make the website we are designing for the Fish Creek Animal Hospital more effective. We could create a site map which clearly displays to users where the various hyperlinks we have created will take them within the site. We can also display a breadcrumb trail of hyperlinks so that the user can easily navigate back out of the specifics of the website to the more general subjects and back to the homepage.

It would also be very advisable to make the website easily viewable on mobile devices as well as desktop computers as more and more users access the internet using mobile devices and also would be required to in an emergency where the user needed information about their animal/ the location of the hospital urgently.

The use of a Meta tag description would also be very useful so that users could find the website with searcg engines in their browsers.

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